Package com.masai

Class ChatBotSpringAIApplication


@SpringBootApplication public class ChatBotSpringAIApplication extends Object
The main class of the ChatBotSpringAI application. ChatBotSpringAI is an exhilarating Spring Boot project that unleashes the power of an intelligent chatbot! Engage in dynamic conversations and receive brilliant responses, all made possible by the impressive ChatGPT API from OpenAI. Experience the magic of AI-driven interactions like never before! 🚀🌟💬 This class serves as the entry point to the ChatBotSpringAI application. It initializes and runs the Spring Boot application, making the chatbot ready to serve users. To get started, simply run this class as a Java application.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatBotSpringAIApplication

      public ChatBotSpringAIApplication()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      The main method to start the ChatBotSpringAI application. It initializes and runs the Spring Boot application, making the chatbot ready to serve users.
      args - The command-line arguments passed to the application (if any).